We dive deep into the world of writing romance. In this episode, we're thrilled to have bestselling romance author Olivia Gaines as our guest. Olivia shares valuable insights on how to overcome the common pitfalls that writers encounter when crafting love stories.

Whether you're looking to create compelling love scenes, establish deep connections between your characters, or keep a romance series going strong, this interview is packed with practical tips and techniques. Olivia also delves into creating romantic tension, incorporating themes of self-love and self-discovery, and finding the right balance of drama in your stories. Aspiring romance writers and seasoned pros alike won't want to miss this engaging conversation with Olivia Gaines. Tune in now and take your writing to the next level!

Olivia's Journey
Common pitfalls when writing romance
Putting a feeling of depth in your romance
Tips for connecting with your readers at the start
Keeping a romance series going
Writing compelling love scenes
Creating romantic tension
How much drama is too much
Obligatory scenes
Incorporating themes of self-love and self-discovery

Author Action Point

What kind of writer do you want to be? Once you determine what that looks like to you, it will really determine your writing career. Make sure