Marketing and publicity are two things that an author must think about when writing and publishing a book. In today's episode, Kenny talks with Dana Kaye about this subject. Dana is the owner of Kaye Publicity and has been a publicist for 10+ years. She works with authors to help them become more memorable and make meaningful connections. She also is the founder and host of the Your Breakout Book podcast, a show that helps authors write, publish and prosper.


Dana gives two fantastic definitions to help understand marketing and publicity. According to her, marketing is you talking about your book or your work as an author. This includes your social media, newsletter, website, etc. While publicity is earned media, you cannot control it but has more clout than marketing. This could include a tv interview or being a guest on a podcast.


02:28 Dana's Journey into PR


07:15 What is Marketing and Publicity?


09:33 When should an author start thinking about promotion?


14:53 What should authors focus on with their own platform.


20:58 What are some mistakes to avoid with Promotion?


27:33 Shift your mindset about self-promotion


32:11 Tailoring a pitch email


39:33 How had promotion changed during the pandemic?


44:46 Author Action Point


46:00 About "Your Book Your Brand."


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