Writing a great book quickly is something that every new author I have talked to would love to do. But so many times, they don't have a plan or infrastructure to accomplish that. In this episode, Chandler Bolt shares tips from his new book, Published, to help you get your book written quickly. This is actually version two of his book, and the first version helped me get serious about finishing my book.


02:22 Chandler's Author Journey

08:25 Published

13:37 How do you write a great book quickly?

21:29 How to choose what idea to tackle

27:12 Advice for pushing through the editing slog

30:13 How do you successfully launch a book

35:2 3 Using books to grow a business

40:06 What holds people back

41:06 Author Action Point

43:07 Self Publsihing School


Visit https://authoryourdream.com/episode/great-book-quickly/ for more from this episode.