Doing research for historical fiction can be one of the most fun and most frustrating parts of writing in this genre. You love history as a historical fiction author, but how do you not bag down the story with the facts? How do you avoid going down rabbit holes? And where do you find good quality information about your subject? Jodi Daynard will answer these questions and more in this episode.


01:53 Jodi's Author Journey

07:05 Jodi's Process for fact gathering

13:34 List of research resources

18:24 What are you looking for when you visit a location?

22:09 Maps and Artwork

25:32 Time spent researching vs. the amount of info used

28:12 Organising your research

30:13 Syncing your chapters with your research

32:47 Jodi's must-have facts

36:43 How to avoid outweighing the story with the history

41:39 Ensuring accurate portraits of historical figures

43:34 What to include in an Author's Note

46:36 Avoiding the Research Rabbit Hole

53:17 Author Action Point

Check out the Show Notes page for more including a list of research resources.