Building an email list is something that every author should be seriously considering. It is a great way to stay connected with your fans and build an authentic connection with them. Plus, being able to contact them about a promotion or a new book you have coming out is priceless. If you rely on social media to do this, you run the risk of them changing the rules without any input from you. Having your own list prevents you from losing touch with your people.


Today's show is all about building this email list. My guest is author PD Alleva, who admits that he wishes he had started building his list sooner. We talk about what you should include, how often you should send them, and give you strategies to help you grow.


One of these strategies is a Giveaway, which PD is in the midst of running. He shares his prep work and breaks down the process for us. As well as giving some helpful tips on how to decide on prizes.




02:50 PD Alleva's publishing journey


04:50 Synopsis of his book The Rose


06:53 How PD began working on his email list


08:28 Why is a newsletter important?


09:50 How often should you send?


12:30 What should you include?


15:20 Platforms to help you grow your list


16:55 Strategies for building your list


18:55 A look into promo swaps


22:30 When should you start building your list?


26:38 Why have a list in addition to social media


28:28 PD Alleva's Giveaway


31:04 The preparation process


24:55 How to choose prizes for your giveaway


40:35 Final advice


Author Action Point for Building an Email List


Research Mailchimp and MailerLite to decide which one will be better for your situation. Then sign up for one of them.


Resources Mentioned




Story Origin


Fiction-Atlas Press






Connect with PD Alleva



Visit the Author Your Dream website for more author resources.