Beta readers are people familiar with your genre who have agreed to read your unpublished book and give you honest feedback. I have seen many authors ask for beta readers but fail t provide them with any criteria or information regarding the feedback the author is looking to receive. In this episode, my guest David Brown from the Darling Axe will give you advice on what you should have prepared for readers, what feedback to expect and what to look for in a beta reader.


02:48 David's story

10:45 Darling Axe

13:37 Beta Reader Defined

16:26 Difference between editors and beta readers

21:13 Key Points Authors Should Provide

24:00 Do you always pay for beta readers?

25:50 What to look for

27:51 How many should one have?

29:28 Protecting your work

34:56 Responding to the negativity surrounding beta readers

36:55 Building rapport

38:36 Feedback to expect

40:52 Author Action Point


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