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Sari Kimball - Food Biz Success

Food Biz Secrets: "Understanding that just because it's an amazing product in your home kitchen doesn't always translate into a great profitable business plan."

Just about everyone loves to eat. A few of us are even pretty good at creating delicious food to eat.
Have you ever considered starting a food business? Maybe you've thought of opening a restaurant or packaging your special hot sauce to sell to the world?
Some of the questions you may have about starting a food business may be:
How do you start a food business?
How do you create the food packaging?
What packaging should I use?
How do I create a nutrition label?
How do I sell products to grocery stores?
Can I make any money with a food business?
Listen as Sari Kimball, owner of Food Biz Success takes us through the challenges and pitfalls of starting your own food business to help you be successful.


Visit Sari at:

Podcast Overview:

[00:03:39] Transitioning from hobby to profitable business.

[00:08:08] Managing expectations, striving for 90% quality.
[00:11:44] Food costs surprise people; packaging can be costly. Start small, test, get feedback. FDA compliance is important for labeling.
[00:24:56] Bars: unique, regulated by FDA, customizable size
[00:28:11] Challenges of creating shelf stable sauces summarized.
[00:35:54] Investigation reveals possible reasons for spoilage. Shelf life studies and testing for contaminants important.
[00:37:55] Programs for nutrition labeling need accurate measurements.
[00:45:55] Key tips for selling your product: demo it, create sales opportunities, use social media to drive customers, prove that it sells, look for opportunities in stores like Whole Foods or Natural Grocers.
[00:52:18] Define success on your own terms

Podcast Transcription:

James [00:00:00]:

You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the business program that brings you the struggles, worries and triumphs successes of business owners across the land. We are locally underwritten by the bank of sun prairie. We have downloadable audio episodes found at the podcast link found at Drawincustomerscom. And today we are welcoming, preparing to learn from Sari Kimball, founder and coach of Food Business Success, which are three things that I'm pretty sure almost every listener here loves. So Sari, how are you doing today?

Sari Kimball [00:00:30]:

I am amazing. So excited to be here today.

James [00:00:33]:

Yeah, thanks for being on the show. And it looks like you have all the ingredients for success behind you there.

Sari Kimball [00:00:39]:

Yes, many people have gone in this direction to start a food business.

James [00:00:44]:

Nice. So tell us, what is food business success?

Sari Kimball [00:00:48]:

So, Food Business Success is a program I created back in 2019 where I wanted to I'm a course creator in addition to a business coach and many other things. So I saw a need for people wide eyed, excited to start a food business, specifically a packaged food business. So I created an online program, online course. And anybody who tells you, oh, just create an online program, it'll be so easy, just believe them. But over the years, here we are four or five years later in year five and still going strong. So we have a membership where we do group coaching. And then there's also the videos, the tools, the tutorials, things to really help people create a business that's actually going to be profitable, that is going to be safe and legal, hopefully. And also be fun. Right, because it's food.

James [00:01:52]:

Yeah, very cool. You touched on a lot of stuff there. And for your typical just so I know, for the people that are listening that are like, hey, I'm kind of interested in this. Is this geared towards people that already have a business in the food industry? Or is this someone that's kind of either kicki...