Keri Childers - Thought Leader Connection

One of the great things about being in business and meeting other entrepreneurs in business is a common feeling of striving for growth.  Of working on yourself and your business to contribute to the betterment of your business, society, you as a person, your employees, your clients and a huge push that there is always more than what you believe you can do.
I was reminded of this while chatting with Keri Childers.  Keri started the Thought Leader Connection, to help authors and public speakers with topics around the leadership and business world to spread their knowledge and do a little something to make the world a better place.
Listen as Keri explains the process for authors and public speakers and the little nuggets of wisdom that she has gained from working with some brilliant minds alongside her own brilliant mind.

Visit Keri at:

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My name is James Kademan, entrepreneur,

author, speaker, and helpful coach to
small business owners across the country.

And today we're welcoming/preparing
to learn from Keri Childers,

the founder and owner of I love this name,
Thought Leader Connection.

So how cool is that?

Keri, how are you doing today?

How are you?
I'm doing very well.

I'm excited,

if for no other reason than
Thought Leader Connection is just about

the coolest name of a business
I've ever heard.

Also TLC, tender loving care.

Was that intentional or
did that just happen?

After we did that, somebody pointed it out
to me and I was like, wow,

because that totally is how I intend
to do business, with tender love and care.

So it kind of worked.

All right, so what is
the Thought Leader Connection?

I work with authors and speakers.

I help them with their book launch
campaigns and to formulate what they

exactly talk about so that we can
communicate clearly to meeting planners

what they're going to come
in and talk about.

I do a lot of niche conversations,
so if there's a meeting planner that's not

looking for a broad topic that everybody
speaks to, but something more niche

for their audience, I'm a person that can
usually find that content for them.

All right.

So I take care of the speakers, and I take
care of the meeting planners on both sides.


All right,
tell me about the speakers because

I guess that's a journey that I started
to go down, but then I had a kid.

So that just changes
your speaking schedule.

It's a hard job if you've got little ones

at home because you're on the road
if you're going to be successful.

Yeah, I tried. I started to go down that road.
I always thought it'd be cool to be

a stand up comic as well,
but I'm probably not that funny.

I work with a stand up comedian also so. Do you really?

I do. Paul Ollinger is his name.

Trying to get him gigs or
how do you work with him?

I only help him on the booking back end
