Harry Spaight - Selling With Dignity

If you ask some people, sales is a four letter word.  Some salespeople seem to uphold the stereotypes of the leisure suite wearing hustler.  

Harry Spaight, of Selling With Dignity feels there is a better way.  After working in some less than great jobs and being told to do less than great things to sell people, Harry decided there was a better way.

Listen as Harry explains how he helps train sales people to sell with dignity and actually make sales.  

This was a great conversation and will be sure to offer you some selling tips to keep your ethics and your sales way up.


Visit Harry at: https://sellingwithdignity.com/

Podcast Overview:

[00:02:41] Learning service led to successful sales career.
[00:04:03] Sales bullpen: overwhelming but profitable challenge.
[00:10:07] Quick car purchase, no dealership involvement.
[00:13:50] Sales under pressure, be consultative, not needy.
[00:15:14] Believe, work, and have faith.
[00:18:28] Get info by asking for help kindly
[00:21:48] Deal forecasting requires managing probabilities effectively.
[00:25:26] Forecasting is not as important as results.
[00:30:55] Building trust with bank account deposits.
[00:34:02] Brand is what people say about you.
[00:37:54] Podcast about business struggles, triumphs & sales.


Business Podcast Transcription:

James [00:00:03]:

You have found Authentic Business Adventures, the Business program that brings you the struggle, stories and triumphant successes of business owners across the land. We're locally underwritten by the bank of sun prairie. If you're looking for some downloadable audio episodes that can be found for free on the podcast, link found a drawincustomers.com. And today we're welcoming, preparing to learn from Harry Spaight, the founder of Selling with Dignity, which I mean, can you do that, right? Harry, how is it going today?

Harry Spaight [00:00:30]:

It's going great, James. What's the good word for you?

James [00:00:34]:

Sales. Lo and behold, in the business world, nothing happens till sales made. Well, hell, that goes beyond just the business world, right? Why don't you tell us, first of all, what is selling with dignity? I guess both the phrase and the business, and we'll just go from there.

Harry Spaight [00:00:51]:

All right. So if you think about people who are stereotypical salespeople, they're always selling, they're very talkative. It's always about them. They've got to hit their number. They're the top producer for their company. They've got it on their business card. I am the complete opposite of that. So I like to refer to myself as the anti salesperson. I didn't trademark that, though. But for a lot of people who don't like sales and don't fit in that personality type, there's hope for you. Selling with dignity. This is my thinking for the day. Selling with dignity is the short version of it is self valued. Dignity for yourself. Right. Dignity for your client and dignity for the craft of sales, which is treat everyone well, do the right things for people, good things will happen. Interesting. How's that sound?

James [00:01:50]:

That all sounds great to me.

Harry Spaight [00:01:53]:

Quite a concept.

James [00:01:54]:

Yeah. The question that comes to mind then is when did you get into this? Did you sell or get sold without dignity? And then you're like, wait, we got to change this, or how did this.

Harry Spaight [00:02:05]:

Yeah, it's a good question, and it's really been a work in progress over the past two and a half decades. So prior to my sales career, I was selling of another type. I was doing mission work.

James [00:02:19]:

Oh, interesting. Okay.

Harry Spaight [00:02:20]:

Everything is sales in life, right? We're selling since we came out of the womb, when we cried for our mama, we wanted to close that deal and throughout life.