Michelle Kop - Level 28 Media

To get your business found in such a noisy world you can either pay or do something extreme to get noticed.  The extreme stuff doesn't always work, but the paid advertising route, if done correctly, can net you some profitable results.

She details some tips and tricks in the PPC world that many people simply don't know, leading to wasted money and time and ending in frustration.

Listen as Michelle Kop, founder of Level 28 Media, explains how she started and built her pay per click business to help those businesses that need a marketing boost.


Visit Michelle at: https://level28media.com/

Podcast Overview:
[00:04:18] Pay-per-click lead generation marketing agency specializing in Google Ads, working with small businesses for impactful results.
[00:08:28] Snake oil in industry, be transparent with clients.
[00:14:34] Small business owners frustrated with previous agencies and freelancers. New approach offers value and goal-oriented strategies. Lack of understanding and strategy from previous hires.
[00:21:43] Lack of training and operations issues affect sales.
[00:32:18] Vet clients carefully, cut ties if necessary.
[00:33:58] Accountability and forward-thinking crucial for successful client relationships.
[00:42:50] Google advertising: Cost varies, can be expensive
[00:46:27] Ask for references, check portfolios, industry experience.

Business Podcast Transcription:

James [00:00:03]:

You have found authentic business adventures, the business program that brings you to struggle stories and strength and success of business owners across land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found in the podcast link, fun to draw in customers.com. Kop are locally underwritten by the Bank of Sun Prairie. Today, we're welcoming slash preparing to learn from Michelle Kop, the founder of level 28 media. So, Michelle, how are you doing today? I'm doing well. Thanks, James, for inviting me onto your podcast. Yeah. I'm glad to have you. So Tell me level 28, let's just start with the name. What is that?

Michelle Kop [00:00:36]:

So level 28, it actually came kind of randomly. It took a really long time to figure out the name of my business. We didn't want and when I say we, I'm talking about me and my husband because started this business as a freelancer, and my husband was, like, my silent cheerleader in the background. And we didn't want to pick, like, a generic agency name. So I actually come from an agency background. I did marketing advertising for a good 7 to 8 years. And once I had left the corporate world, I decided to go do freelance. And one of my friends was like, what's the name of your company? And I was like, well, Michelle Kop consulting. And he's like, no. You can't be using that name. It's not good. Very smart friend. He's like, you can't be using that name. You have to use a different name. So then I went to my husband, and I was like, okay. Well, what should we go with? There's so many, like, cheesy names, like, out there when it comes to marketing agencies, like click up agency, improve performance agency, like some really cheesy ones. We didn't wanna do that. We wanted something meaningful. Since you were driving around, we're trying to look for inspiration, everywhere and everywhere. And we're driving around on the freeway. We're looking at specific words to see if we can get anything triggering that would like, that relates to who I am. And then one day, we actually went to we went to a shopping mall. And as you're going up the as we were going with the parking structure, I saw the word level level 1. And I was like, oh, How about level 24 media? And 24 is actually it came from because I was born on the 24th December. So, like, it really Alright. And I was like, okay. That's I love it, and my husband's like, that's a perfect name. We took, like, 2 months to try to figure it out. went on GoDaddy, bought the domain immediately.