Clayton Bates - Shopify Expert

On Achieving Victory in Business: "So it's sort of like if we help them win, we win. And then if we keep helping them win, we win. Everyone wins."

Shopify has grown to be dominant force in the e-commerce world.  Holding about 20% of the market share of e-Commerce platforms, it allows sellers to get up and running quickly.  But how do you take your Shopify store from existence to actually making sales?
Clayton Bates is a Shopify Expert.  He helps Shopify store owners build their stores and get them known to customers that buy.  One of only a few certified Shopify Experts, Clayton has seen it all and shares his insights.
In this episode, we dive deep into the strategies that have made Clayton a sought-after consultant, from leveraging personalized Loom videos to building rapport by offering free value upfront. We’ll explore the significance of Shopify 2.0, the growing trend of businesses migrating to Shopify, and the importance of a simple, user-friendly website structure for maximizing conversions.
Clayton also discusses the vital role of social media in driving traffic to Shopify stores and how businesses are using unique approaches to grow their customer base. Plus, we uncover five common mistakes Shopify store owners make and the essential factors that influence success in the competitive world of e-commerce.

Listen as Clayton explains his steps to help grow Shopify businesses and how you can grow your Shopify business as well.


Visit Clayton at:

Podcast Overview:

00:00 Analytics show low conversion, high potential profit.
04:53 Chose to learn and build, gained agency.
08:42 Became Shopify expert, handled surge in leads.
10:45 Previous employees struggled, eventually found skilled coder.
12:54 Insecurity and growth in freelance quoting experience.
16:19 Free software advice, grabs attention, builds rapport.
22:23 Scanning and adding trading cards to website.
24:23 Shopify Expert hiring process changed 6 months ago.
28:17 Shopify prioritized country, mostly Australia, few clients.
31:11 Using images and headings can improve readability.
35:59 "Time is finite, use it wisely. Conversion rates?"
37:04 Good images, structure, and user experience important.
43:16 Experienced consultant helps businesses optimize conversion rates.
46:04 Focus on building relationships, not just websites.
47:17 Help clients grow and we succeed together.

Podcast Transcription:

Clayton Bates [00:00:00]:
It'll tell you, like, conversion rate is 1%. Average order value is $50. Returning customer Bates 15%. The traffic is coming from here. People landing on the home page this many times, this many traffic. So it's got basically everything sort of thing. So, yeah, I'm very good at, like, just looking at analytics and being like, oh, how are you not making $10,000 extra a month? And then we rebuild the website. They make 10,000 extra sort of thing.

Clayton Bates [00:00:26]:
So it's sort of like I can't explain how my brain actually can do it probably, but normally, if I say, like, 5,000, I'll make 10,000 extra. So I normally lowball myself. So

James Kademan [00:00:40]:
You have found Authentic business adventures, the business program that brings you the struggle stories and triumphant successes of business owners across the land. Downloadable audio episodes can be found in the podcast link found at drawincustomerscom. We are locally underwritten by the Bank of Sun Prairie, and today, we are welcoming slash preparing to learn from Clayton Bates, the founder of Inspire Small Business, a Shopify expert. So, Clayton, how is it going today?

Clayton Bates [00:01:06]:
Yeah. Good. Thanks. Thanks for having me.

James Kademan [00:01:08]:
Yeah. Thanks for being on here. So let's for the people, I'm gonna say more or less like me, tell us, just broadly speaking, what is Shopify?

Clayton Bates [00:01:17]: