Human neuroscientific research seeks to uncover patterns of commonality and uniformity to help define mechanisms which reliably result in the experience of thinking and interacting with the world. This scientific mindset is in opposition to real life experience where human bonding is unique to a specific relationship. This may be best understood as a compatibilist approach, where neuroscience may affirm the very real experience of an individual when he makes a judgment or chooses to imagine his next move while the neurocircuitry is providing the means to have that experience without an agentic causal connection. This view as stated is not a contradiction, since it doesn’t assert there is no experience of free will or directed emotion or thought but rather that it is coincidental to the neurophysiology and the grounding provided by neurobiochemical networking.

In my view, there is an alternative to this theory; it is based on the principal of “first causes”.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


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