Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, bringing you Transformers news from around the world and across Australia.


This is episode 266

We are recording live on Friday December 9th, 2022


If you're listening to this a week later via a podcast app, stop it now and head over to YouTube where this podcast is recorded live, or join the Transformers Collectors Club Australia Facebook group. 




In this weeks episode we will be discussing:

The new Transformers Rise of the Beasts movie trailer
The new Transformers Activate video game trailer
The new Transformers figures revealed in the past few weeks
And we’ll check in on HasLab’s Deathsaurus project as it enters its final days


All of that and more is coming up in this week’s episode - after this!





Final episode for the year! From here we all go off for our own holiday adventures!



New Releases:


Local Releases:

Victory SaberMax has it in hand, let’s hear a bit about it!

Studio Series Hot Rod / Crosshairs / Fallen
Legacy Wave 3 deluxes
Micro Machines at Big W


Overseas Releases:

Legacy Evolution wave 1 is out in Asia (local release Feb/Mar)


Movie News:


Rise of the Beasts trailer



Power Is Primal poster



Studio Series SS-99 Battletrap and SS-100 Bumblebee revealed


Video Game News


Transformers Reactivate trailer released



Plot of the game

Autobots and Decepticons playable
Earth looks pretty much destroyed
The Legion? Is this a new bad guy?
Do the Autobots and Decepticons have to team up?


“Are All Dead?” 



In Brief:

What the hell is Project Bear?



Legacy Listings Found - Animated Prime, Tigerhawk, Silverbolt



Legacy Medix - coming to Walgreens?




Jason: SG Slicer & ExoSuit, SG Flamewar & Fireglide (unbox), SG Soundwave

Mikey: Deadend, Velocitron Scourge

Max: Victory Saber, Deluxe Wildrider



Memberships are open, check out the TCCA web site for details.


Thank you for listening! And if you’re watching along with the live record, thanks for checking us out.


A reminder you can watch us and see what we are talking about via our YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/c/TransformersCollectorsClubAustralia


To find out more about these stories, you’ll find the links to them all and more in the show notes.


Want to get in touch with us? Please do! We love listener feedback.
Our official site is on Podbean: transformersweekly.podbean.com 
Facebook page is called Australian Transformers Weekly; and
We’re all in the Transformers Collectors Club Australia group on Facebook.


If you’re not already subscribed, you can find the podcast on your podcatcher of choice. The RSS feed link is on the website and in the show notes - https://transformersweekly.podbean.com/feed


This podcast is a production of Transformers Collectors Club Australia.

TCCA is a registered club in Victoria, run by volunteers donating their time, effort, energy (and money) to make collecting in Australia better for everyone.
TCCA wants to build and support the Australian Transformers collecting community by engaging fans around the country.
We make content like this podcast, we attend live in-person events like Oz Comic Con, and we run Australia’s largest Transformers discussion and sales communities (our Facebook groups).
You can find more information about the club, the benefits of membership and how to show your support for what we do at transformerscca.com 


That’s all from us. We’ll be back with more Transformers news soon.