Typically when we think about squidding it's all about dropping jigs from pier, casting from the rocks or drifting a weedbed and bouncing a jig as we go. Trolling is not usually part of the equation! But squid can absolutely be targeted by trolling jigs - and the technique enables the angler to cover a lot of ground in search of his or her quarry. Today's guest is Greg Lamprecht, a man who's been at the cutting edge of fishing for a quarter of a century and is probably better known for his offshore exploits. Greg's been getting some pretty good success trolling squid jigs around Moreton Bay, but the techniques he shares in this interview are equally effective anywhere you choose to target squid.

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For more ALF episodes about squid fishing visit: https://doclures.com/squid-jigging/

Show notes for today's episode are available at https://doclures.com/trolling-squid-greg-lamprecht/