Today's episode of the Australian Lure Fishing Podcast is made up of a public and a premium edition.

The public edition provides some basic information regarding the mangrove jack, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, including some basic biological and ecological information to help in understanding jacks from an anglers perspective.  

The premium version includes a further 20 minutes of information bringing together interviews with over 30 of Australia's most successful mangrove jack anglers. It looks at the things that these anglers have in common in terms of their approach to catching jacks. It also looks at specific details of out-of-the-box thinking that puts these elite anglers onto more jacks, more often.

To listen to the premium version simply support the Australian Lure Fishing Podcast by joining Team Doc Lures and this, plus dozens of other valuable resources, will be available to you. Check it out at

Full show notes for today's episode are available at