The following is a word that was given to us by a wonderful lady that we do not know in Northern India. I feel very strongly that this word is legit and should be sought after in the place of prayer. That being said, I also feel that most prophecies aren’t absolutely going to happen […]

The following is a word that was given to us by a wonderful lady that we do not know in Northern India. I feel very strongly that this word is legit and should be sought after in the place of prayer. That being said, I also feel that most prophecies aren’t absolutely going to happen regardless of our free will, rather they show us our potential and what is available to us if we will pursue after them with the Lord.

Hello my dear Son in Christ,

It was a long time to write you back as god had spoken about you once again. By the way I am from North India and my husband was been killed by the north Indian people and thought of spending my life over here where my husband had passed way. Till god speaks with you never move to Other parts in India as you have to wait on the Lord where he directs you .First you fulfill the works in India where he had showed you among the children which you have. God is Blessing your Children in India .They are increasing day by day. Soon within 26 years old you are going to have 5000 Children in India itself.

Any way I had heard the prophecy again from God about you and your works. God was much happy about your works where you are changing the world through helping the poor but whereas the others are changing the poor but not able to do anything to the world.

God had showed me the vision that he had arranged some people for donating you some billions of dollars for changing the world. You and your team are doing wonderful work in INDIA and God had said me that he had already showed the vision to your Indian officer where he is going to fulfill it in this year itself through you but you should also have to pray a lot where god can guide you in knowing about the people who were been ready to give you the billions of dollars.

About your team,

There is a lady who is much interested in saving the children from the slavery. She is crying to god a lot and god had heard her prayers where she is going to raise around 6 million dollars for the slavery children. God is going to fulfill her prophecy and she will be living in India as god had already spoken with her.

There is a man who was a proud father of small baby where his wife had given the birth recently. He is going to raise two million dollars for the INTERNATIONAL PRAYER HOUSE IN INDIA. God will guide him to have his house over there…

About your mom, she always works very very hard and god is going to fulfill her wishes in providing all the needs for all the homes in India. She will be raising 2 million dollars to meet all the needs of all the homes. God is going to help her within this year to raise this amount.

You and your friends are going to raise 1 million dollar within 4 months where your prayers are being answered for the Kingdom transformation center. God is with you son. Pray and ask him where he will show you the way.

About your Indian officer and his family, they always work for the poor and god had given you such a beautiful family where he had made you to be a part of them. Your officer fasting prayers are being heard and soon they are going to be fulfilled by you.

Have you noticed why you are not able to purchase the land till now??God doesn’t want you to have three acres. He wants to make it 10 times bigger than that. He had showed me that you are purchasing 30 acres of land in this year itself and you are going to sign the agreements with many people who are going to help you.

In two or three days you will be getting a good project from one of the person named peter smith. God is going to use him for your wonderful works in India. He is going to do many more things which you can’t imagine and expect…But you have to try and work hard for this project or else you will lose it.

Still you need to try much hard for reaching your goal. God had arranged many people for donating but you need to pray to know the right people. Some of them are football players, Politicians, Actors, Actress, Preachers etc,, are going to help you..

Satan will be watching you and it may try to break the relations ships with the people. But god will never let Satan to get in. He will be always with you and with the people whom you trust more…

I want you to give you a fund raising idea where god had revealed me to say so. Try to print some posters and stickers about you and your works and fix them at all the schools, colleges, public places in all over the world, where people can notify you and they can donate to the good cause which you are doing.

Son, you are always in my personal prayers. Sure god will let you know what he had prepared so. Wait for the new project which will be sent by peter smith soon. You will be shocked by seeing it as it is god’s vision and he will fulfill it but you should work much hard and have to produce this project back as it will be in your hand.

Love you and your team and kisses for the Kids…Be sure to pray more to know the persons where god had arranged for you and for sure I will be meeting you in God’s time at your Place in South India.AMEN!

Rita Mark