I am raising up a people that will watch with my son for an hour. My people shall understand what it means to watch and pray. Laodicea is being judged, the spirit of burning has been poured out, and the plumbline is being set. There will be no halting between two opinions. These who are […]

I am raising up a people that will watch with my son for an hour. My people shall understand what it means to watch and pray. Laodicea is being judged, the spirit of burning has been poured out, and the plumbline is being set. There will be no halting between two opinions. These who are mine hear my voice and will begin to burn with the longings of my heart.

In 2010 many will be suddenly released and sent out to be my hands and feet in the Earth. These who have been a faithful servant in intercession will be commissioned as a faithful witness in the darkest places. These can be entrusted with the light of my glory – which is my love – my jealous love. Many will know what it is to encounter my heart and feel the depth of my groanings for humanity’s depravity. The veil over the eyes of my church is being severed as sons and daughters know me not only in the power of my resurrection, but also in the fellowship of my sufferings. My torn flesh is your open heaven, and my victory on the cross must again be the focal point of all that you say and do. My spirit is upon you to GO.

The greatest demonstrations of my power and my glory are just before you. As the world becomes darker, the light of my glory is rising upon you. Can you see it, can you hear it’s sound? Can you look into my eyes of fire? Can you see the river before my throne is from the tears that my Father and I cry over our creation that was created in our image?

Beloved you must bind up the brokenhearted and bring my kingdom to the poor; but you must know my broken heart because of injustices. Poverty is injustice, slavery is injustice, sickness is injustice. But even more grave than these are the injustices within my own church. I call you to dig within the walls and look and see how my people have partaken the greatest of injustices – the injustice of compromise, the injustice of cold love, the injustice of unbelief. My cross paid the price for all sin and is enough to remove all injustice, but many in my bride has chosen to befriend the world rather than be my friend. I call you right now to repent of complacency and denounce lethargy. Wake up sleepy bride, let my spirit search you thoroughly and revive your zeal – and I will replace the lamp-stand of your first love before my throne. I am raising up a nazarite company of burning ones that will walk fearlessly across the corners of the Earth, fearing my voice more than any man. Will you be one of these my spirit is raising up?

I am raising up an abolitionist movement – a justice movement that will establish kingdom government in my church. The mantle of William Wilberforce is being released to those willing to bear it. I will begin to unravel the cords of wickedness in the sex-slave industry. Because of the intercessions of my people, child prostitution will become a hot-point of governmental action and international concern. Abortion is being weighed in the balance and those involved are being extended mercy before they must be judged. Those who desire to know me in spirit and truth will find me in the place of brokenness and humility while understanding my great desire to move in power in the Earth. My bride will be equally yoked unto me with a heart of flesh and will not allow me weep alone. I have already released grace to be able to bear this burden, and my eyes are upon those who say “yes.”

You, my bride have been betrothed to me in righteousness and in justice, the very foundations of my throne, all of my kingdom, creation itself beckons you to arise and be seated in the authority that I have given you. You are no longer a captive daughter of Zion, I have set you free. This day, arise and be seated, and become my cry in the Earth for justice. Be my hands that bring salvation, and my feet that brings good news to the poor of the Earth.