Hello friends and listeners and welcome back to Auspol Snackpod! There's been a-legislations a-transpirin' in Parliament this week,  plenty of highly visible shenanigans, and as always, crispy memes. We're trying to get to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts so if you haven't left us one yet please do that!

There's a content warning for discussion of sexual harassment in our first story from 14:50 - 19:10.

This week on the show we're serving up... 

Entree/SPOTW: Guess who's back? Back again? Barnaby Joyce. The answer is Barnaby. 

Coronas: Sydney / parts of NSW are in a two week lockdown, and the Nationals have all been infecting one another. 

First Nations: Zac runs us through a panel at the Emerging Writers' Festival about prison abolition. You can watch the panel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAJsY1vnk8M 

Positivity Corner: a shitty fossil fuel Bill got (eventually) voted down because Pauline Hanson vagued out of Parliament 

Fashy Australia: The Online Safety Bill has been passed, unfortunately. It's a super dangerous and wide-ranging Bill with no oversight or accountability. You can listen to our episode "086 - Bagelian vs Breadator" for more. 

Blurst Take: our incompetent Parliament voted up a motion from Pauline Hanson that "rejects Critical Race Theory" from the national curriculum. What is Critical Race Theory? Why has Pauline chosen this week to bring up this ridiculous motion? Has it ever been taught in Australian schools? These questions and more will be answered. 

And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate! 

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