Previous Episode: Astral Soothsayer
Next Episode: Quack

Barrie Gellis and Matt Comegys dive deep into the Seth Material - channeled works from author Jane Roberts, of whom Barrie was a student of around 1972-1973.

Do your homework, and have a squiz at the flick here (admittedly part one of three):

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Barrie's written a few books worth your time:

Something interesting happened here.  We got off mic and started a musical collaboration.  Barrie going Bernie Taupin and me doing Elton John on a guitar.  Got the composing done and will soon be doing the proper studio time.  But here is an early fruit of our labor for your ear:

Coming Soon:
August 2 - Quack
August 6 - Jack Chick's THIS WAS YOUR LIFE!!!
August 7 - Bill Hicks' Revelations
August 9 - Food