This week Audrey Moore talks with Actor Tax Specialists from Chuck Sloan and Associates. But don't worry, Ronnie Steadman and Daphne McVay are actors too, so they make the conversation fun and exciting! 

The three go over everything you need to know about doing taxes as an actor, including the changes that are here in the new tax bill, when those will go into effect, the differences between personal taxes and corporate taxes, the mystery of when to go corporate, the question of should you still keep your receipts under the new tax bill (Yes!), and they reveal the best tricks for how to get the most money back from your taxes.


To get a personal consultation you can contact Ronnie at:

SteadmanTaxServices (AT)

And you can contact Daphne at:

DaphneBloomer (AT)


And just as a reminder, this is not a sponsored episode, and we do not get any "kickback" from this - we're just fans of these two and Chuck Sloan and Associates in general, and we want you to have the best information possible!


Enjoy the episode!


Mildly Interesting:


Audrey’s Mildly Interesting this week is Cali-Flour Foods cauliflower pizza crust. Yum.

Ronnie's Mildly Interesting this week is taking a Disney Cruise.

Daphne's Mildly Interesting this week is cooking with instant pots



Host: Audrey Moore

Produced and edited by Jesse Lumen

This episode's show music by Ari de Niro

Special thanks to Thomas Snodgrass for assistance with microphones, Aalok Mehta and 108 Hill for help with the theme song.

Other music and sound fx provided by Audio 4 VideoAR SoundSound Effects Public DomainRoss Bugden and SFX and GFX.