Sometimes the most talented and best loved comedians end their lives without money, without recognition, without new opportunities. Sometimes the comics that bring down the house at comedy clubs every time they perform have an incredibly hard time booking gigs and always end up working for bottom dollar.  

What makes it possible for other comedians to get the recognition and remuneration they deserve? Why do some thrive when others starve?  

In this episode you learn what financially successful standup comics do differently to ensures they earn a lot more from their work than their competitors do. Talented standup comics who master their craft are in the unique position of being able to learn quite a lot of money specifically because they can perform anywhere, and their content can easily be packaged and sold in many formats. But being talented and prolific isn't enough. In this podcast they learn 4 specific things they need to do to actually be financially successful. The same tips will prove useful to those who wish to earn a living as professional speakers, lecturers, etc. 

Remember to find events to attend live online or face to face, visit 

A quick shout out to Burt Teplitzky who asked me to address this topic before one of his shows. Burt runs one of the best clean open mic's in Hollywood at the Kibitz Room in Canter's Deli which has been a Hollywood Hotspot for almost a hundred years. If you are looking for a place to try out your work, and you want to go where the pros go, this is a great open mic to sign up for.