Today I have Amit Doshi and Kavita Rajwade with us on Audiogyan. Amit graduated in 1996 from the Pearson School of Communication at the University of Delaware and moved back to Mumbai after that. After moving back he worked on movies, ads and in television before starting Webodrome Information Technologies in 1999 to create ecommerce websites. 

Kavita Rajwade is a new media ninja. With stints in print, radio, television, events, sports and with music labels she has always been ahead of the curve. Podcasting is the latest industry she is looking to revolutionize.

Today they are the founders of India’s largest podcasting network IVM, Indus Vox Media. And today we are here to discuss some background about podcasting and how is it getting into the Indian market.

1\. Can you tell us a brief history of Podcast in India and other parts of the world?

2\. How critical is host’s persona?

3\. What are your observations w.r.t people on the podcast versus content of the podcast?

4\. What makes podcaster go niche and narrower in the subject they choose? How true is this notion - podcast is for geeks and for a niche set of audience?

5\. What are the challenges of podcast as a medium w.r.t technology? What is the long term future of podcast in India? May be 10 or 20 years in future?