Samidha Gunjal is an illustrator and animator with distinct drawing style of her own. After doing her Masters in Design with a specialization in Animation from IDC, IIT Bombay, she is now working as a freelance artist mainly into illustrations, 2D animation, comic art and painting. Her work is mainly geared toward children’s book and aspires to be a story teller through her art.

What is the biggest responsibility while working on art related to children?

What is the importance of stories narrated through visuals in a child life? How does it effect the upbringing? Do all stories have to have a moral?

How much liberty one can / should have while depicting stories through visual medium. Can you share any case study which has positively impacted or negatively impacted children? How much deviation can one have as a story teller from the original story? How do you know the story which you are telling is true?

What is your process of working on any project? Do you have a style in mind and pick a story or the story dictates a style? How does it work?

What is the future of stories, story books in India?