Guest: Alex Shvartsman, Translator and writer

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Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast & Audio Signals Podcast

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Episode Introduction

In the world storytelling stories transcends mere narration, but represent a bridge that connects diverse cultures and languages. The recent episode of the Audio Signal Podcast, hosted by Marco Ciappelli, featured a fascinating conversation with Alex Shvartsman, a returning guest who embodies the essence of multifaceted creativity in the universe of science fiction and fantasy.

The Art of Translation and Storytelling

Shvartsman, a prolific writer and an astute translator, shares his journey from consuming science fiction and fantasy in his native language to becoming an expert in translating literature in the Anglophone world. His narrative is not just about the transfer of words from one language to another but an intricate work of cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and the emotions that resonate through storytelling.

The Translator as a Cultural Ambassador

The discussion unveils a profound perspective on translation, shedding light on it as a form of art that demands a deep understanding of both the source and the target cultures. Shvartsman views his role as a translator akin to being a cultural ambassador, ensuring the essence and the soul of the original works are preserved while making them accessible and relatable to a new audience. This process, as shared by Shvartsman, involves creative decisions that could mean straying from literal translations to capture the underlying emotions and cultural contexts effectively.

Navigating the Complexity of Languages and Emotions

One of the key highlights of the episode revolves around the complexity of translating nuanced literary works, such as those involving puns or culturally specific references. These challenges underscore the translator's task as not just a linguistic but a creative endeavor, requiring a delicate balance between fidelity to the original text and adaptations to resonate with the new audience.

Conclusion: The Unsung Heroes of Literature

As the conversation between Ciappelli and Shvartsman unfolds, it becomes evident that translators are the unsung heroes who widen the horizons of literature, allowing stories to traverse linguistic barriers and enrich cultures beyond their origins. This episode not only celebrates the art of storytelling and translation but also invites listeners to appreciate the intricate process that allows stories to be told and retold, across borders and generations.

This episode of Audio Signal Podcast highlights the crucial role of translation in storytelling, offering insights into the complexities and the beauty of bringing stories to a global audience. Shvartsman's experiences and perspectives provide a compelling narrative on the cultural and emotional depth of translation, making it a must-listen for anyone passionate about stories, literature, and the art of translation.




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