We talk with Cognitect's Paul deGrandis about his work with Pedestal, ClojureScript-Terra, and squeezing performance out of the Cloud.

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Our Guest, Paul deGrandis

On GitHub
On Twitter


Paul chose "Space Between Mountains" by Kidcrash to start the show and "Bra" by Cymande to end the show.


Paul's life as a musician, and a poster from his DJ life
Pedestal 0.3.0
Pedestal App freeze announcement
Tim Ewald
Brenton Ashworth
Rich Hickey
Core Async
Server-Sent Events
Aaron Bedra's Security Talk at the Clojure/West conference
OWASP Security Dev Guide
A presentation about secure-headers (with Java EE)
ClojureScript-Terra, which contains Clic's rationale
Terra and the LLVM
Sandia and Oak Ridge National Labs
Timothy Baldridge's LLVM compiler in Clojure: Mjolnir
Xen Project and the Xen Hypervisor
The rise of Unikernels
MirageOS - also a project team at Xen
Stream processing with Apache Storm
Lock-free networking and network channel optimized unikernels like OSv
Ubiquitous computing on Wikipedia
Strange Loop conference
Leap Motion
Specification can appear in many forms, even just writing your ideas down, and they're all powerful
Some specification languages: Alloy, TLA+, Z (pronounced Zed)
"A Fundamental Duality of Software Engineering" - On the power of specification, by Bertrand Meyer
Drexel University Software Engineering Degrees
Kyle Kingsbury episode



Sandy Ezzell

Episode Cover Art:

Michael Parenteau

Audio Production

Russ Olsen

Production Assistance

Paul deGrandis
Stuart Sierra
Sam Umbach

We talk with Cognitect's Paul deGrandis about his current work with Pedestal, ClojureScript-Terra, and bleeding performance out of the Cloud.

Twitter Mentions