We talk with Matthew Flatt of the University of Utah about Racket and RacketCon.

As you may have noticed, the Cognicast has finally made its way to its new home here at cognitect.com!

Our Guest, Matthew Flatt

On the Web


Matthew chose "Palace of the Brine" by The Pixies to start the show and "Theme from the Bottom"by Phish to end the show.


Strange Loop 2014
RacketCon 2014 (colocated with Strange Loop 2014, [$30 a ticket])
University of Utah
Scheme programming language
PLT Scheme
"So many Lisps and Schemes…"
"Build up new languages…"
"Make programming languages more adaptable…"
Racket Macros
"Everything is just macro expansion…" (PDF)
Attaching different back-ends to the ClojureScript compiler
Dr. Racket IDE
"Extensible IDE…"
Robby Findler
Vincent St-Amour
Typed Racket
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
Typed Clojure
Racket submodules
Racket Scribble (documentation tool)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
"Documentation as code, not data…"
Alan Dipert
Education as a killer app for Racket
RacketCon speakers list
Michael Fogus
Microsoft Research
Simon Peyton-Jones
Don Syme
"Write a few papers here and there…"
Racket mailing lists
RacketCon archived talks: [2013], [2012], [2011]
Racket math library
Jay McCarthy
Eli Barzilay
Racket's #lang directive
Scribble @ notation
Matthew Butterick
Syntax Objects
"Melding run-time and compile-time…"
Racket FFI

Subscribing to The Cognicast

The show is available on iTunes! You can also subscribe to the podcast using our podcast feed.

You can send feedback about the show to [email protected], or leave a comment here on the blog. Thanks for listening!


Episode Cover Art:

Michael Parenteau

Audio Production

Russ Olsen

Production Assistance

Michael Fogus
Kim Foster

We talk with Matthew Flatt of the University of Utah about Racket and RacketCon.

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