Today during our webinar, we talk about creating awesome content. Podcasting is becoming competitive and because of that, it is important to create good quality podcasts (audio and other technical aspects). However, you can get away with small technical flubs if you have great quality content. We talk about curating awesome content via your passion about the topic(s), target audience, content that spills over into other outlets, your “flavor” or “voice”, and by reaching out to and researching your guests.

We also answer questions about finding guests, nonmonetary benefits to podcasting, most common new podcaster mistakes, equipment, software, different podcast formats, advertising, and the best practices for having/being a guest on a podcast.

These webinars are open to everyone, so if you would like to get on the email list, please visit They happen every week (currently each Wednesday at noon, Eastern time). If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected].


Office Hours Edition 5 Blog Post

Audiotechnica ATR2100 mic on Amazon


Castos YouTube Channel





Podcast Hackers Facebook Group