Joe Casabona is the founder of Creator Courses and a podcaster who hosts How I Built It, a podcast about developers and creators. Joe has an impressive outreach and great advice about sponsorships and networking. Joe explains how he uses his personal network to find sponsorships for his podcast. He gives me a glimpse at his process and how he reaches out to a cold connection.

We also talk about the importance of genuineness and maintaining a respectful relationship with the sponsors who have stuck with you. It’s not a strict monetary agreement. Joe is quick to point out that you can’t get too wrapped up in your metrics. Metrics mean different things for different creators.

If you are considering looking into sponsorship for your podcast, Joe’s advice is solid and makes sense. Tune in and learn how to be a good sponsor partner.

Today’s highlights:

Joe’s podcasting and Wordpress experience.The How I Built It podcast.Why you shouldn’t compare your metrics to other podcasters.How to be a good interviewer.A good personal network is great for sponsorship.How Joe started monetizing his podcast.What is WordCamp? The intimate nature of podcast and how it differs from other media.How Joe finds his sponsorships.The importance of a “pitch deck.”How to respect an existing sponsor and maintain a relationship.Why Joe doesn’t use done-for-you-sponsorship services but also why he won’t rule it out.



Creator Courses

How I Built It

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Joe on Instagram

Thank you for joining me for today’s Podcast Hackers episode! Tune in next time as we continue to have in-depth conversations with experts who can help make your podcast the best it can be!

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