Ben and Dawn are here today to talk about their Ghostbusters RPG (role-playing game) podcast. This podcast is called EctoCast. It goes without saying that Dawn and Ben are part of a niche podcast. We discuss the little things that come up during a recording session, like why you shouldn’t eat during recording.

[click_to_tweet tweet="We are very niche as far as what we're doing, and Reddit is just a glorious place for niche markets." quote="We are very niche as far as what we're doing, and Reddit is just a glorious place for niche markets."]

Ben and Dawn also share their team’s social media strategy on several platforms. Role-playing games have a loyal fan-base and we discuss that interest and how a newcomer can find their niche audience if they just look hard enough. Ben and Dawn are part of a highly effective team and really have a lot of great tips and lessons to share. You can make a podcast out of anything and EctoCast is a fun and creative example.

Today’s highlights:

What is EctoCast?
How the podcast was started.
How the EctoCast team found their best equipment setup.
How headphones improved the quality of the show.
The episode count and the audience response.
The team’s aggressive social media strategy.
Tips that Ben and Dawn have for the audience.
Why EctoCast uses Reddit as a platform.
How and why create a sub-Reddit.
Lessons from the early episodes.
How EctoCast works as a team.

[click_to_tweet tweet="As of right now we are at total downloads per episode… we're at 2,716, which is about 2,700 more than I thought we'd end up with." quote="As of right now we are at total downloads per episode… we're at 2,716, which is about 2,700 more than I thought we'd end up with."]


Saga Games Studio

EctoCast on Reddit

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EctoCast on Twitter

Thank you for joining me for today’s Podcast Hackers episode! Tune in next time as we continue to have in-depth conversations with experts who can help make your podcast the best it can be!

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