This week on Audience, we're giving ourselves a hard look in the mirror after chatting with Jennifer Bourn. She's a business builder, helping clients grow their brands and attract new opportunities with concrete tools and tweaks.

She kicked off the interview asking an important question, "Let's face it, most of us know we need to be doing [content marketing]. And most of us know we need to be doing. But are we actually doing it?". When life gets in the way and the content marketing to-do list never gets checked off, it's helpful to have someone keep you on track. In this episode, we hope to do just that.

Instead of continuing to put it off, Jennifer is here to help plan out our content calendars and stick to it.

But we're not throwing you to the wolves with a laundry list of blog posts, social media posts, and audiograms to churn out each week. Jennifer's take on slowly ramping up a content calendar is a more surefire way to avoid burnout and actually enjoy creating new pieces of content from a single episode.

Listen to the full episode now to figure out how to reverse engineer how you want a listener to feel after consuming any of your content.