Back in The Before Times, I had a monthly advice show called Asking for a Friend at Sea Tea Comedy Theater in downtown Hartford, and in one part of the show, the house lights would come up and the audience members took the mic and talked about what was bothering them.

From being annoyed about pumpkin spice, to frustrations with the healthcare industry, pollution, and racism, no gripe was too small or too vast to put words to.

The segment was called “Y U SO SALTY”, and it’s the inspiration for today’s entire show. You’ll hear audio from Asking for a Friend, and voicemails from adults and kids, and you’ll hear what’s gotten under the skin of some Connecticut Public employees, too.

Plus, philosopher Myisha Cherry on why anger is essential to anti-racist struggle.

You heard saltiness from: Tianna Glass-Trip, Pratima Singh, Chion Wolf, Mari Firkatian, Tracy Wu-Fastenberg, Allan Smith, Alexa LaFever, Julia Pistell, Patrick Rico Williams, Zulynette Morales, Richard Hollant, Aisha Mo, Jim Bonaldo, Scarlett Cistulli, Brian Hines, Karen Hines (no relation), Allie Rivera, Jaleith Gary, Ryan Lindsay, Kamora Herrington, Drew John Ladd, Suzi Craig, Anthony Emanuel, Emily Lowinger, Macy Lipkin, Marilyn Rosetti, David Zakur, Sonja Pasquontonio, Meg Fitzgerald, Sophia MacGillis, Robyn Doyon-Aitken, Victoria Martinez, Ella Fisher, James & Daniel Russell, Paige Wittingham, Charlotte Donnely, and Aidan, Willow, and Arwen Gladis Perez-Sauquillo.

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