It’s a wild world, and there’s a lot to be allergic to.

Sure, there are the common ones like pollen, peanuts, and certain medications. But what if you had a bad reaction to water? To sunlight? And to exercise (seriously)?

Hear what it’s like to have these rare conditions, and how the people who have them empower themselves to manage them.


Rachel Warwick of Derbyshire, England, has aquagenic urticaria, which means she is allergic to water Ann Reardon of Sydney, Australia, is the author of How to Cook That: Crazy Sweet Creations, and host of the YouTube channel, How To Cook That. She has food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis Jasmin Barman-Aksozen of Zurich, Switzerland, has Erythropoietic Protoporphyria - an extreme toxic reaction to sunlight Patricia Rydeen of Minneapolis, MN, is a fan of Brewers baseball, and has an allergy to bad umpires

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