Episode 31: Grief & Redemption

Join us as Rachel shares her journey of pregnancy loss and her family's road to adoption through foster care. 

Rachel Lewis is an adoptive, foster, and biological mom, and lives with her husband and three daughters in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She experienced five pregnancy losses and writes about them on her blog, The Lewis Note, as well as at Still StandingMagazine and Pregnancy After Loss Support. She is the founder of the online support group Brave Mamas, the safest place to grieve a child. Her first book, Unexpecting: Real Talk on Pregnancy Loss, releases August 2021 from Bethany House Publishers.  She loves hiking with her family over the weekends, having Sunday afternoon dinners with her close-knit family, and sampling treats from Trader Joe’s, the best grocery store on the planet. Connect with Rachel on Facebook or Instagram


Free guide for friends and family: "Your BFF Guide to Miscarriage

Brave Mamas Facebook Support Group

Website: www.thelewisnote.com

Facbook.com: www.facebook.com/Thelewisnote

Instagram: @rachel.thelewisnote