This offseason Episode of the Auction Brief is a fun one. Host Drew Davenport talks about the controversy from last episode - is he REALLY Michael Jordan? Then he goes down a rabbit hole about the journey of life and where we find value along the way. As always, your host relates his lessons back to fantasy football, and of course, to poker as well. Learn about the one thing poker players tend to forget but is the most important thing you can remember on the felt when it's time to put your chips in. Then join Drew and guest Kelly Singh in the continuing series on the Women of Fantasy Football as they talk about barriers to breaking in to the industry, and then talk lessons from 2021, player performances from the year that stood out, and how we should treat certain players for 2022 drafts. It's another information packed episode of the Auction Brief! @DrewFBGAuctions @KellyInPhoenix