The Breakdown

In this episode of the ATX Metal Podcast, Ryan interviews Kevin Hellestad from the Chord Progression Podcast. They discuss the importance of supporting the local music scene and how to discover new bands. Kevin shares the origin story of his podcast and his passion for promoting local artists. They also talk about the challenges of being a podcaster and the impact of honesty in music reviews. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of supporting local musicians and the joy of discovering new music. The conversation covers topics such as supporting local music, the role of social media in the music industry, one-stop recording studios, ways to support local podcasters, podcast hosting and growth, expanding the podcast and interviewing big names, showcasing local talent, dream interviews, personal connections and cross-promotion, and final thoughts on supporting local music.

Quick Riffs

Supporting the local music scene is crucial for the growth and success of local artists and is a collective effort that benefits musicians, podcasters, and the entire music industry.Discovering new bands and supporting them can lead to exciting experiences and connections.Social media metrics, such as likes, follows, and downloads, are becoming increasingly important for bands, venues, and promoters, and can impact opportunities for musicians.Showcasing local talent through podcasts and events can provide exposure and support for up-and-coming musicians.Building personal connections and cross-promoting with other podcasters and musicians can help create a supportive community and expand reach.

Episode Info:

YouTube: Chord Progression Podcast (Rock & Metal Music)

FB: Chord Progression Facebook Home Page

IG: Chord Progression Podcast (@chordprogressionpodcast)

X: Chord Progression Podcast (@cppodofficial)

Intro track: "Common Flow" by Arborenna

Featured track: "Someone like me" by These Fading Visions

ATXMP Website: ATX Metal Podcast (

Sponsors / Affiliates 

Come and Take It Productions:

Come and Take It Live:

Titan Audio Productions:

Texas Metal United:

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