Developing Your Psychic Abilities


People frequently ask how they can “become psychic” or develop what psychic abilities they have. Here’s the good news: we are ALL already psychic! Some of us are more naturally developed, but each of us can work on developing our psychic abilities further.

First here’s a brief explanation of the types of psychic ability:

Clairvoyance (clear-seeing)

Claircognizance (clear-knowing)

Clairaudience (clear-hearing

Clairsentience (clear-feeling or clear-sensing)

Clairalience (clear-smelling

Clairhambience (clear-tasting)


Developing Your Psychic Abilities

You have probably already recognized one or two of these traits within yourself. Most people are strong in one or two of these senses, and not so strong in the rest.

While you can learn to develop all of these senses, most commonly you’ll end up relying on the one or two you are naturally strongest in. Very often, people say that they don’t seem to have control over these abilities, it just happens “when it wants to”. By working on developing these skills, we make it easier to use them on demand.


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