This episode is sponsored by Lift Value Translations & Consulting, your place to go when creating copy that communicates, with translations connecting all across the globe!

Today we had the pleasure of talking with ED GANDIA! Ed is a successful B2B copywriter, business-building coach and strategist who helps freelance writers and copywriters earn more in less time doing work they love for better-paying clients.

He is the founder of High-Income Business Writing ( and the Get Better Clients Academy, where he teaches thousands of freelance professionals at all levels how to deploy simple systems and frameworks for growing your income with better clients.

Ed spent 12 years in corporate sales, where he developed repeatable strategies and processes for landing profitable, long-term clients faster and with less effort. He then applied many of these same approaches to his freelance copywriting business, enabling him to build a six-figure solo practice in 27 months.

He is originally from Puerto Rico, and his mother tongue is Spanish! Now, as he has been living for more than 20 years in Atlanta, Georgia, his English is his dominant language.

His High-Income Business Writing podcast is one of the top freelancing and writing podcasts in iTunes. And his insights and advice have been featured in Inc. magazine, Fast Company, CNN Radio, CBS Radio News, The Christian Science Monitor, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, DM News, AirTran Airways' Go magazine and The Writer, among others.

His podcast has been the first podcast I have ever listened to on Copywriting and the value of selling your copy to the world!

The key to achieving real prosperity as a freelance writer is learning how to earn more in less time. It’s about maximizing what you earn for every unit of effort you put into your business.

When you know how to do that consistently and predictably, you’ll be able to create a business that enables you to enjoy the freedom and lifestyle you want.

Thanks for listening! Thanks, Ed for your generosity and continuos contribution to the world! Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Celebrate your creative self!

Keep on communicating, being Attitudeable changes your world!

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