In this conversation, we talk with Rob about the importance of being your best self, and leading from there.


Be Your Best Self and Hit your mark with stories that matter.

He shares with us his powerful trademark: Breath-Connect-Land® and now more useful given the stressful conditions the whole world is living.

Rob is an MIT Leadership Center Master Executive Coach who has worked with hundreds of mid-career leaders a year in the Sloan Fellows, EMBA, and AMP programs. In addition, he is used as a strategic resource at Harvard Business School.

He utilizes two decades of experience, as a top leadership development executive, creating customized learning experiences that allow participants to increase self-awareness, building skills, and make transformational shifts in their daily leadership behaviors.

Thanks again for your generosity, Rob! Visit his website to buy a copy of this book!

Rob is an MIT Master Executive Coach, a facilitator of transformational learning, and author of Leading from Your Best Self: Develop Executive Poise, Presence, and Influence to Maximize Your Potential. What is unique about Rob is that he is an accomplished tap dancer and storyteller. That’s right! For the first half of his career he traveled the globe delivering his unique, one-person variety show. Rob combines his career in the performing arts with two decades of experience as a top leadership development executive. He has a passion for coaching leaders to develop their presence, tell compelling stories and establish authentic connections.

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