An interview-style podcast centered on people and their relationship with technology.

Attention - 2 - TEK Show Notes

Episode: 7

Date: 10/01/19

Hosts: Clay Russell

Guest: Rosemary Orchard

Guest Bio

•  Tell us a little about yourself

TEK Questions

•  How did your relationship with technology begin?

•  Tell us about your devices, why you chose them & how you use them.

•  Laptop/Desktop

•  Mobile Computing

•  Gaming Tech

•  Tech in the Car

•  Tech in the Home

•  How do you envision technology shaping your future?

•  What about technology scares you?

•  What about technology excites you?

•  What about technology is still lacking today?

Apps & Services

•  Your Top 3 apps or services

•  Subscriptions worth paying for?

•  If you could develop your own app.....

CEO Role Play

•  As CEO of Google, I would...

•  As CEO of Apple, I would...

•  As CEO of Microsoft, I would...

•  As CEO of Amazon, I would...

•  As CEO of Facebook, I would...


•  Imagine you had a week with no appointments, no responsibilities, no interruptions, and no technology. If money was no object, how would you spend your week?

How to Reach Our Guest

•  Rosemary -  @rosemaryorchard 

•   Automators Podcast 

•   Nested Folders 

How to Reach Our Host

•  Clay -  @clayrussell  

In Closing

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