Today you'll be hearing from Hull-based British comedian Gina Jenkinson. When I first saw Gina's stand-up show I was sure she was going to eat me alive on the show; she's known for being controversial and a bit aggressive on stage, but all fears were quickly washed away.

Gina was incredibly lovely to speak to and she quickly opened up about her childhood. In 2015 she made headlines with her Edinburgh Fringe show "Desperately Seeking Attention" a show about how she dealt with her tumultuous upbringing. While researching I read it had been quite bad but what she revealed in the interview was quite shocking.

Thankfully Gina has a common trait among comedian; the will to succeed. She hasn't let her past dominate her and when parenthood and marriage didn't quite deliver the satisfaction she thought it would she set herself the goal of becoming a stand-up comedian. To be so open and honest on stage with material that's pretty horrific at times and to make fun of it and to get other people to laugh both at and along with it takes a huge amount of talent and skill.

We also talk about her love of sketch, her influences and inspirations and we close the podcast with her hilarious song "Children of Africa/It's My Birthday".

Gina Jenkinson

Welcome back to The Comedy Cast; today you’ll be hearing from Hull-based British comedian Gina Jenkinson. When I first saw Gina’s stand-up show I was sure she was going to eat me alive on the show; she’s known for being controversial and a bit aggressive on stage, but all fears were quickly washed away.

Gina was incredibly lovely to speak to and she quickly opened up about her childhood. In 2015 she made headlines with her Edinburgh Fringe show “Desperately Seeking Attention” a show about how she dealt with her tumultuous upbringing. While researching I read it had been quite bad but what she revealed in the interview was quite shocking.

Thankfully Gina has a common trait among comedian; the insatiable will to succeed. She hasn’t let her past dominate her and when parenthood and marriage didn’t quite deliver the satisfaction she thought it would she set herself the goal of becoming a stand-up comedian. To be so open and honest on stage with material that’s pretty horrific at times and to make fun of it and to get other people to laugh both at and along with it takes a huge amount of talent and skill.

We also talk about Gina’s love of sketch, her comedic influences and inspirations growing up and we close the podcast with her hilarious song “Children of Africa/It’s My Birthday”.

Gina’s Website: here

Gina’s Facebook: here

Gina’s Twitter: here

Gina’s Youtube: here

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