Today, we’ll highlight the three main benefits sellers can enjoy by listing this holiday season.

With the holiday season just around the corner, many are wondering whether there’s still time to sell.

Is listing over the holidays a good idea? Actually, yes, and there are three reasons why:

1. Less inventory. People assume the market takes a turn for the worse over the holidays.

However, this isn’t the case. Those who are able to look past the rumors will find that listing

over the holidays means you’ll face less competition and have a greater opportunity to make

your home stand out.

2. More serious buyers. While there aren’t as many buyers looking over the holiday season,

those that are still searching for the perfect home are much more committed. As a seller, this

grants you a high degree of leverage.

3. Interest rates are still historically low.  Though they have risen in recent months, interest rates

are still low compared to historical averages. Back in the 1980s, for example, it wasn’t uncommon to see rates above 12%. At just below 5%, rates today are still fantastic. 

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send

us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.