Drugs, Jail, & Near Death Experiences. What more could an episode ask for? Interview Recorded: November 20, 2018.  RCR Video Studios  Today’s show is sponsored by RCR Video – They create compelling content to move your business...

The post Damon Corn – Between Ghetto and Get Er Done appeared first on The Atlanta Podcast.

Drugs, Jail, & Near Death Experiences. What more could an episode ask for?

Interview Recorded: November 20, 2018.  RCR Video Studios 

Today’s show is sponsored by RCR Video – They create compelling content to move your business forward.

Intro and Outro Music by Brian Revels

Who should I have next on The Atlanta Podcast?

I was so mesmerized I forgot to ask.

Who introduced us?

Bill W.

The post Damon Corn – Between Ghetto and Get Er Done appeared first on The Atlanta Podcast.