Are certain presidential candidates better for the stock market? If so, is there a “correct” party to vote for to improve the chances of stronger returns? We often hear political pundits offering advice or predictions around presidential election season, and suggest that the answer to both of these questions is unequivocally “yes.” There are certainly many ways political candidates impact our country, and because of that, it is extremely important we exercise our right to vote. However, as we wade through to the real issues – should a candidate’s impact on the stock market be one of them? 

In this week’s episode of AWM Insights, Brandon & Erik, armed with more than 80 years of data, break down this question – and the answer might surprise you. Discussed questions and topics include:

How do presidential elections impact investment returns?Which 2 presidents have seen the best S&P returns while in office?Which presidents experienced negative S&P returns during their terms?Is it true my political party is better for the stock market?What drives the stock market?How is the stock market different than the economy?How might the two candidates’ tax proposals impact my finances?Are there any ways to curb those impacts?Do tax rates matter to stock markets?


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