You have heard it said before, “you are your greatest asset.”

My question is what are you doing today to increase the value of your greatest asset?

It’s time to start thinking like a business owner. The CEO of Athlete, Inc.

I know, you have heard it before. Most likely from your agent or a marketing company trying to convince you to “monetize” yourself.

Yes, making money can be an element of it but it’s far more important than just making money.

The truth is, how successful you are going to be during your career and after depends on it.

On this episode of the Athlete CEO Podcast I layout: 

Overcoming the Fears of Thinking About Yourself As a Business I don’t want to be distracted and my performance suffer Social Media is not for me I’ve already made enough money so I don’t need a platform I’m not famous enough Shifting Your Mentality from Amateur to Pro How Shaq, LeBron, A Rod….and Lewis Howes and Devan Kline (who?!) leveraged their careers into success personal brands and companies The Opportunities You Create By Becoming a Business Where To Start

I challenge you to start today. Right now. Listen here to get the Roadmap for creating your Athlete, Inc company.

Examples of Athletes Who Has Successful Built Brands & Companies Shaquille O”Neil  LeBron James Shaun White Arod Corp Lewis Howes  Devan Kline Why Building a Platform Matters Control Messaging Build An Audience to Nurture Relationships Financial Freedom – Create Passive Income Investment Opportunities Philanthropic Impact Post Career Opportunities


Episode 15 – Jeff Piersall John Wood Pyramid of Success Episode 19 – Taylor Holiday Common Thread Collective “Who Is More Famous, Clayton Kershaw or Amanda StantonEpisode 16 – Ryan Nece Next Play Capital Episode 11 – Kyle Mauch Episode 17 – Justin Blaine Athletes Touch Gary Vanerchuck Stop Asking Me About Your Personal Brand, and Start Doing Some Work How Athletes Should Use Social Media To Build Their Brands

Books Mentioned (Amazon links):

High Performance Habits by Brendon Buchard Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi Platform by Michael Hyatt Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk