Today I sit down with Kyle Mauch, founder of Athletes Brand.

As a former professional athlete, Kyle has transitioned to starting not one, but four different companies – with a life vision to help 1,000 athletes create a legacy beyond the game.

Kyle has become a close personal friend of mine that’s not only shaped the way I think about business but life in general.

I can’t wait for you to hear this laid-back conversation packed with the knowledge and wisdom that Kyle brought.

Some highlights from today’s show:

How to find out what you care about What “relevant value” is and how it can help you avoid a post-career identity crisis A powerful question you can ask yourself to define your legacy How to create significant brand-value The eye-opening moment that changed Kyle’s trajectory as an athlete The storytelling process that Kyle leverages in his businesses to develop brands What it’s like to work with Kyle The downside of saying “yes” to every opportunity that comes your way Kyle’s morning routine Why you don’t need to be a non-profit (and when you should be) The biggest investment Kyle’s made to date Quotes “Most people don’t understand their own story. You don’t realize it until somebody starts telling you about yourself.” – Kyle Mauch “What can you do to use your platform before it’s gone to create your brand or legacy?” – Kyle Mauch “You can make a much bigger impact by focusing on one thing you’re really good at rather than trying to distribute money all over the place.” – Kyle Mauch “Every athlete has the opportunity to make World-change with just their career.”- Kyle Mauch “If you can spend ten years and impact one life, that’s a success.”- Kyle Mauch “Don’t try to implement everybody’s opinion.”- Kyle Mauch “Don’t try to fix the wheel, go out there and study the wheel.”- Kyle Mauch “You have to have a purpose that’s bigger than your product.”- Kyle Mauch “Don’t think failing is OK, but learn from every failure.”- Kyle Mauch “One of the best ways to get creative juices going is to flip something over.”- Kyle Mauch

Resources Mentioned:

Reach out to Kyle here. Kyle on Instagram AJ from Lumberland.Co – Episode 9 Athlete’s Brand Refined Craft Campfire Mastermind Books Kyle Mentioned (amazon links): Shoe Dog – Phil Knight Warren Buffet

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