Sunday March 17th

Our guest this week is author, historian, and professor Ken Albala.

Ken Albala is Professor of History at the University of the Pacific United States, received his Masters of Arts degree in history from Yale, and his PhD in history from Columbia University.  Ken has been the author or editor for over 25 books on both food and the intersections of food and history.  His course Food: A Cultural Culinary History is available from the Great Courses and the Great Courses Plus.  While Dr. Ken’s most recent books, At the Table: Food and Family Around the World  and Noodle Soup: Recipes, Techniques, Obsession are available everywhere, my personal favorites are all his books that do deep dives into history such as Beans: A History, Nuts: A Global History, and Pancake: A global history.


Ken Albala on The Great Courses, "Food: A Cultural Culinary History"

Books by Ken Albala:

Ken's personal blog:

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