November 18, 2018

Richard D. Logan joins us today to discuss how we can continue to build and grow a secular society.  While this is something Minnesota Atheists has been extremely successful with already, we felt it would be beneficial to get the points of view from others in the secular community who don't identify as atheists.

Richard is a retired Professor of Human Development.  He has a BA in Anthropology from Harvard College and a PhD in Human Development from the University of Chicago.  He has published on adolescent identity, American individualism, the emergence of the self through Western history, and the state of higher education.  He also authored a book on the psychology of solitary ordeals, and another on the true survival story of a young girl lost at sea.  He also chaired the Faculty Executive Committee. Since retiring he has served on several non-profit boards.


Society for Humanistic Judiasm:

Jews for a Secular Democracy:

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