Whether we plan for it or not, organizations have internal cultures that determine the employee experience, and, by extension, the customer experience as well. In this episode, Nina and Chris sit down with Erik Anderson, the Chief of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Office of Administration which oversees the day to day operations of the agency. As a newer Senior Executive, Erik brings fresh perspective and insight on leadership theories and ideas…theories that were put to the test as he took the lead of his organization in the midst of the pandemic. Join us as we discuss what has proven to work in the crucible of managing a new organization in challenging circumstances, and the importance of planning for the culture you want to build.

1:50 - Chris' favorite question: what does the future hold when it comes to digital and workforce transformation in the federal government?

2:38 - Out of a season of challenge, change, and transition, an emerging opportunity to embrace new technologies

4:05 - Culture starts at the top: Erik shares his experience of being called into a new leadership position in a completely new organization in the middle of the pandemic, and realizing that before anyone would trust him he'd have to set the tone by opening himself up first

7:40 - As leaders, we can sometimes worry about those we lead abusing our trust. But the truth is if there is mutual trust between you and your employees, more often than not they will make you look like a genius

9:23 - How does a culture of trust in the workforce affect the customer experience?

10:57 - Culture happens no matter what, so why not plan for the culture that we want in our organizations? Developing metrics and plans around what kind of culture we want to build as an organization

14:32 - What does it cost to change a culture? What is the cost of ignoring it?

16:30 - How to measure a culture: concrete steps, metrics, and methods. Oh, and once a year isn't enough (looking at you, FEVS!)

19:45 - The critical role of doing exit interviews for EVERY employee who leaves your organization…and doing "stay" interviews for those who don't

24:57 - Setting aside your title: how humility in leadership can open the door for organizations to find both unexpected opportunities and advance warning of incoming threats

27:30 - Where career advice and workforce transformation meet: don't look for jobs, look for quality (humble) leaders

30:07 - What this looks like in IT: when those in leadership feel the need to be the smartest person in the room, other team members run out of room to contribute and grow

34:30 - Wave the magic wand! Erik's one wish for moving the ball forward when it comes to workforce transformation

Connect with Nina and Chris:

Nina Bianchi:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bianchininafuture/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinaFuture

Christopher Crist:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-crist-a1544a135/ 

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