2020 became the year of haste. Workforces and workloads went remote. In fact, the word “remote” is attached to everything, from jobs to meetings to schools to family gatherings. One of the single most significant changes that have occurred in 2020 for organizations is their digital attack surface. In many cases, the internet is now an organization’s network and houses everything from their users to their corporate resources and supply chains. The decisions of 2020 will indeed ‘determine the course of eternity’—at least the new normal for security teams. Hear as panelists talk about the shift to remote working, the challenges it brought, strategies to make the most of it, and overall preparedness for their agencies to go remote. What were some lessons learned? What would these federal leaders have done differently? Tune into this panel to hear these federal leaders discuss the future of the workforce, and where they see it going in 2021 as we continue to adjust to the “new normal”.