Nina Bianchi, Solution Principal for Medallia Public Sector, and Chris Crist, Chief of DevSecOps at US Transportation Command both agree that workforce and digital transformation in the federal government lies at the intersection of the customer, employee, and workforce experiences. The question is…which one comes first and what does the workforce experience of the future look like? How does the government use the EX + CX = WX formula? Can it be used to help the government becomes the Nation's top employer? In this episode they dig into the government employee experience. Are federal employees waking up excited to go to work, and if not, how does that impact the customer experience? Are customers receiving service worth telling their family or friends about - in private sector positive customer testimonials are essential! Nina connects the customer experience (CX), such as filing taxes, applying for  student loans, or using a veterans hospital, as a reflection of the federal employee’s experiences (EX). What would we hear from our employees if we simply asked them how they're doing or what challenges exist is serving the Nation’s customers? There is undoubtedly a connection to the customer and employee experiences. Most importantly how can the workforce experiences help attract the best and brightest talent to government jobs? Join them as they try to Solve for X.

Connect with Nina and Chris: 

Nina Bianchi: 



Christopher Crist: 


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